First Home Buyer Choice (NSW)
The NSW Government’s principal housing policy to enable first home buyers to opt for an annual land tax over stamp duty took effect from yesterday, 16 January. Eligible first home buyers can now avoid upfront stamp duty from today in favour of a smaller annual fee on properties purchased up to $1.5 million, while those who’ve bought in the last two months can now apply for a refund.

TPB support for northern Queensland
The Tax Practitioners Board has announced support for tax practitioners and BAS agents in northern QLD are impacted by devastating floods. This comes in addition to the support the TPB is already providing to practitioners affected by floods in communities in WA, NSW and SA.

Dentist join doctors in payroll tax fight
Following on from the contentious and landmark Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal decision of Optical Superstore and then the more recent NCAT Appeals Division decision of Thomas and Naaz, as a result of which common operating structures within the medical industry may no longer be viable, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) is throwing its support behind the Australian Medical Association’s calls for an exemption to payroll tax.

“It would be illogical for dental practices to have to pay backdated payroll tax for dentists who come in and provide their skills via service agreements under their own ABN,” said ADA Federal President Dr Stephen Liew.

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